Friday 21 May 2010

Testing the effect different pHs have on the rate of reaction

On the second day we started by deciding to test the time that a bathbomb took to disolve in different ph solutions. The results are as follows:
Using sodium hydroxide to make the water alkaline:
time taken to dissolve = 132 seconds, pH of solution before = 9 and the pH afterwards = 8Using sulphuric acid to make the water acid:time taken to dissolve = 137 seconds, pH of solution before = 3 and the pH afterwards = 5To increase the reliability of the results (and test for patterns) we made the solution more acidy by adding more sulphuric acid:time taken to dissolve = 111 seconds pH before = 11 and the pH afterwards =8We had already tested the acidity of the bath bombs used, pH 7, neutral. Looking at the results we can therefore conclude that the bath bombs somewhat neutralise each solution; the strength of the alkaline decreases after the bath bomb has dissolved as did the strength of the acid solution.


Here are the various tables and graphs which contain the data we collected through different experiments.


On the second day we started by deciding to test the time that a bathbomb took to disolve in different ph solutions. The results are as follows:
Using sodium hydroxide to make the water alkaline:
time taken to dissolve = 132 seconds, pH of solution before = 9 and the pH afterwards = 8

Using sulphuric acid to make the water acid:
time taken to dissolve = 137 seconds, pH of solution before = 3 and the pH afterwards = 5
To increase the reliability of the results (and test for patterns) we made the solution more acidy by adding more sulphuric acid:
time taken to dissolve = 111 seconds pH before = 11 and the pH afterwards =8

We had already tested the acidity of the bath bombs used, pH 7, neutral. Looking at the results we can therefore conclude that the bath bombs somewhat neutralise each solution; the strength of the alkaline decreases after the bath bomb has dissolved as did the strength of the acid solution.